
Call or Whatsapp Us!

072 645 2235 / 072 433 0947


We strive to provide the best possible window cleaning service. We pledge to provide a service which is of a high standard at all times.

However we have found that there are some stains such as paint,varnish and stains caused by hard water (borehole water) which are extremely difficult and in some cases unable to be removed. We will by all means do our best to remove these stains but success in removing these stains cannot be guaranteed.

There are some scratch marks on glass which only becomes visible after we buff-polished the glass after cleaning . We do not accept liability for such scratch marks.

Tempered glass are easily scratched. We will not use any scraping tools on tempered glass which may cause unsightly scratch marks on the glass surface. It may be impossible to remove all marks from tempered glass

Contact us today and find out how we can help you!